

Metadimensional Theory



 Fatal (Weird Cube)


 2000 Conjunction – The planetary conjunction predicted for May 05 2000 and equated by Sky View on this image, programed and captured by Ylab SA from a demo of that program, is an example of cosmic alignment similar to Eggy’s one when entering hypercampic conjunction; nevertheless planetary environments can be disastrous on the braking field from tunnel discretized upon a star’s gravitic shell.

SkyView software derives from  a NASA facility
( located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. FMNL . Ylab SA.

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The Holographic Interface


The holographic deflection interface allows us to solve the angular articulation problem around the energetic crown. Laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is, as we know, a coherent light beam, which is, phased along its whole trajectory. There are several types of lasers which, basically, vary according to the elements used for the production of the emitted light (radiation) and the crystals used as scintillators. We also know that a laser beam may present a variable diameter according to our needs.

Until now, the unfolding experiments for a laser beam used a mirror’s deflection diagonally implemented across its path, in such a way that some of the light is reflected while the rest crosses it, being afterwards also reflected by another mirror which directs it into the direction we want – for instance, a common focus. Varying the position of the two mirrors we can vary the angle that the convergent split beams make with each other. This process is absolutely efficient and soluble by elementary technology; but, if we want to reduce that angle to the proportions of a wave angle, we would have to place the target many kilometers far from the mirrors so they could be useful. On the other hand, natural crystalline structures are rigid – undeformable; even a micro-crystals sphere would still be a rough solution for the decimetric space we want to spend with our motor. But if we create an intrusion hologram around our focus applying to a coherent field (e.g., a magnetic field*) a parametric fatal function (not to be confounded with fractal; the word fatal derives from the Weird Cube, a surface we can see on the image aside created by Tore Nordstrand. The term “weird” (fatal) allows an interesting generic denomination for all the figures created by using such a function applied to any holohedric structure), we obtain a virtual crystal, a variable holomagnetic holohedron with as many faces as we need that will deflect the incident radiation to the focus according to the angle that we want, theoretically for any radius of the sphere that circumscribes it (obviously below the Planck wall). We can now bath our virtual crystal with a technically feasible large diameter lasers net: the radiation, and hence the energy it carries, will be uniformly captured and polarized onto the focus as we want, without phase, frequency or intensity shifts and without loss by Raman effect.


Optical Deflexion for Telescopic Observation – this set is similar to the one used for laser rays deflection on nowadays systems; but even nano robotic possibilities are bold when we want to apply this technology scaled around wavelengths. Image: SA.

·        A magnetic field is coherent along its whole function, scrupulously respecting its geospatial dispersion, just as the coherent radiation (laser) depurated from all its frequency gradient fluctuations.

We could vary the axis x, y and z of our fatal in such a way to model it as an ovoid or ellipsoid – but the focal unfolding would ruin our operative concentration. That’s why we use the frequency modulation to azimuth the relative plasma and our rudder – the hypercampic axis. We could just modulate the incident energy intensity; but that would oblige us to implement a compensation subsystem which would reduce our global energetic investment. The frequency modulation has the advantage of simplicity: once the relative plasma is formed, any superior frequency will equally be imprisoned in its realm as long as the differentiated energy sum does not surpass the absorption threshold for the initial plasma; in this case, compensating the intensity is enough to keep the focus balanced. In Eggy’s case we use a meridional plane settled in hypercampic conjunction (obviously the meridional plane is a choice for the typical case of a balanced starship upon the orbital plane; in the general case of an emergency where the ship reaches conjunction in deflection, we can opt for any other maximal plane  - equatorial or ecliptic).


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