Life Wants You _ O Baile dos Cadetes _ DSWW _ DaCapo.mp3

See Notes about this musical theme




Metadimensional Theory


 Eggy _ 1998


VISIT NASA GRAIL website and follow the adventures of Ebb & Flow!


Eggy (incomplete)


                        Future is Now’s boundary where the Arrow of Time dives into.

                                                                                                                               Fermanl, 2011


The oldest documents concerning “Eggy” date from 1998. The texts and images here reproduced survived an anomalous crash occurred in 2001 and belonged to a multimedia presentation made in Formula Graphics (witnessed by a few friends) which disappeared. A few days later Black September came upon the USA and the world’s evolution inflected towards the crisis we are living in. Yet my astrophysics investigation went on and what started as a science-fiction essay grew up to become the sketch for a new physics today starts to be unveiled. I believe this study contains enough ponderable matter to deserve a deeper exegesis from the scientific community. May these pages contribute to the diaspora of freedom of the human species from its local contingency and fasten our intergalactic roads into the future. Contact:

                                                                             Fernando Manuel Neves Laranjeira

                                                                                               in Oliveira de Frades, August 24th, 2011


A Discrete Love


The Universal Spaceship “Eggy” is a byproduct from YLAB Science and Arts investigation and has several features which make it unique and innovator. The direction system consists of a gravitic deflector which, as its name implies, modulates the gravitation center of the ship in order to fit her into the desired rota.

The operational focus of the deflector consists of a gyroscopic sphere which, when the spaceship is at rest, occupies the center of gravity for its global mass. The sphere stays in the center of a variable by polarity fluctuation magnetic field. This deflector gets its best performance on orbital levels of null density; on attrition levels (fluids) the system is backed up by two radial ejectors placed on the rear flaps which, among other functions, allow fast angular shifts, only conditioned by the spaceships inertia at its metafield limit.

The Ylab (SPY) Propulsion System is based on the use of a black-hole artificially created at the center of a relative plasma sphere generated by a laser crown by phased angular annulation and holographic focusing which works as rudder for space orbits as well and uses tunnel effect for hypercampic interstellar, intergalactic or superior travel.

When the Metadimension smiles, a Star is born!


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